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Average Vote: 4.5/5

Richard Reimer
2024-06-09 00:06:04
Richard Reimer
2024-06-08 23:58:52
I have acquired a Robinson Rifle, it is marked 39 on all Metal parts except the Barrel. There is For Stock Damage and while showing a past Black Powder Shooter from Malahat Marauder's Victoria. He told me a Story about a Robinson Rifle Blowing Up ! He thinks that this is my Robinson. The Barrel had been replaced and is not marked 39. Can you confirm this Story ?

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Tracy Fetters
2023-10-19 02:06:56
Hi -I am looking for some help with disposition of some replica flintlocks. It is my understanding that these replicas were made in Spain.

If you know of any interested parties please share my email. I can send photos


All help is greatly appreciated. Our kids don’t want them. I got them from my dad
2022-07-02 19:29:19
I'm wondering where I can 4fg black powder . It seems to be very very hard find . I have found three FG but I need four FG.
Any help would be appreciated
2021-12-10 22:49:06
Looking for help loading a Swiss Vetterli 1871 10.4x38
Tex P Mahler
2021-09-26 19:31:32
Just stopping in to say hello....
Ron LaRoy
2021-07-08 14:35:25
Is the BCBPA still active?
Kate Rennette
2020-11-25 23:44:05
I have a really nice garment I bought at a shoot long is very large, very nice quality denim, voyager style of coat...shame for someone not to enjoy it...alas it looks very unflattering on me...let me know if you are interested. Thankyou
Rodney Dick
2020-06-27 16:14:04
Just been bitten by the black powder bug and getting into the sport. Look forward to meeting/experiencing the joys of this sport. Cheers all. ;)
Tex P Mahler
2019-09-12 05:41:15
Stopping in to sat hello to y'all....
2017-12-10 02:05:10
good job on getting it up and going
Mike Waterhouse
2017-12-10 02:00:07
looking good
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