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Executive for 2018

The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the BCBPA was held on November 4, 2017
A total of 13 members attended. The AGM was complicated by the fact that there was no BC Rendezvous this year due to the very high fire hazard.
Thanks to Dorothy Haddrell, a web master has been found and the web site is being developed at this time.
Elections were held and the executive was returned to office as follows:

President - Ron Johnston (250) 493-6545

Vice - President - Mike Waterhouse (403) 700-8023

Treasurer - Sandra Williams (250) 493-6545

Secretary - Dorothy Haddrell (250) 499-8890

Membership - Tim Wall (604) 944-6507

Directors At Large:
Bob Haddrell - (250) 499-8890
Tex Mahler - (778) 686-2900
Jim George - (250) 378-2735
Ross Bradford - (250) 962-2211
Sue Bender - (250) 721-0131
Kelvin Scott - (604) 796-3306
Crystal Fitchett - (250) 766-4228 tafitch@shaw.bc

BCBPA Address:
PO Box 78091
Port Coquitlam BC

Newsletter Editor

Jodi Sturgill - 250-383-4622
We would like to start emailing the newsletter to most members except for ones that don't have a computer, to help with the cost of mailing and stamps. If I don’t already have your email address, please email the address below The deadline is the 5th of the month for submissions / articles for the newsletter. That way everyone will get their newsletter before the first of the month. It is every two months. Next deadline will be December 5th for the January/ February 2018 Newsletter.
Comments or suggestions are always welcome.
Please contact me by email or call me (250)383-4622.

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